Sunday, January 6, 2013

It all started with a t-shirt...

A t-shirt, a joke, an idea... and here we are in The Glamorous Life of a Dancing Radish! Le's face it every radish needs a blog, and a dancing radish definitely needs one! Two crazy friends with a love for quirky, fun, interesting, inspiring... stuff, and a desire to share it with each other and whoever has a time, and energy, to follow their journey through life. Don't let big words such as life and journey fool you: some blogs might be hazardous to your health, mental one that is! You've been warned :) If you find yourself smiling at any point while reading this, then I guess you're a candidate follower of our dear Dancing Radish. It started with a t-shirt and a friendship that started in a city where friendships are usually put to test, doubted and often faked! Welcome to our blog.